Download Free Regulation and Behaviour Workshop
Dysregulated behaviours is when:
- The child is not in control of their behaviour.
- Higher level brain activity such as problem solving and rationalising is too challenging.
- Repetative and consistent behaviours.
- Behaviours which impact on daily life.
- Causes a phsyiological change such as dilated pupils, sweaty palms etc.
- Typical behavioural and parenting approaches do not support changing the behaviour.
Benefits of understanding your child's dysregulated behaviour:
- Help you view your child's behaviour through a different lens.
- Adjust your support to reduce levels of dysregulation.
- Use sensoy and emotional strategies toenhance progress. Support connections between you and your child (and other members of the family).
- Develop new neuro[athways within your childs brain and body connection to make a lasting response.
Unsure if you are seeing dysregulated behaviours in your home?
Download our free checklist to help you understand further!